Man oh man, it's been a long couple of weeks, mostly because I've been a lazy girl who forgot how to care about eating properly. Time to make a plan again because I cannot continue not caring, it's just dangerous.
So next week I go home (my original home), it'll be hard to eat properly while traveling but I WILL make better decisions about what to and not to eat. I am also going to pack some safe travel snacks since it will be a really long day of traveling. While I'm home it'll be fairly easy to eat well since I'll be staying at Mom's and she doesn't really keep anything unhealthy in the house. And I'll be hanging with my sister, who is a healthy ass vegetarian so I'm pretty confident in making positive choices while I'm there.
The following weekend we're heading to Georgia for the weekend to visit friends and that trip will be a lot harder to make the best choices. I am going to pack a cooler of pre-made food though so I can make the best choices. Although we will be going to our favorite restaurant there and well, I am really looking forward to fish tacos and homemade guacamole (that I didn't have to make!). We'll probably go twice which means a taco salad will probably make an appearance as well. Now this restaurant is really close to my heart, it is my favorite place to eat ever, and have nothing in this area to replace it so this is a really special place and treat.
After that, it's back cooking a lot and making the best choices. It may involve some paleo desserts but it's better than the other choices I've been known to make. I'm just honestly planning on using fruit as my snack and really just going to do my best to stick to whole foods. Whole30 is great but I just don't know if I have the will to do it. I'm really hoping I can give it a go before the baby comes, hoping March will be my month, we will just have to see!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
When I fail, I fail hard
clean eating,
eat clean,
Monday, January 20, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 (not really) day 17
So I had dairy last night and turns out, I do okay with it, it just makes me congested. Which I hate because my allergies are bad enough without it, so I will be aware of that in the future. Other than that, I feel okay about eating like a buttface last night. This morning I got back into the swing of eating clean and that's really what my goal for the Whole30 was/is. I'll still be updating this blog with how I'm feeling and how I'm eating for awhile and any of the food I post will still be Whole30 approved, for those using this for inspiration. Obviously, I'm not the person to be inspired by though, but it was a good effort by me.
1/2 apple
Green beans
3 eggs cooked in gheebanana
1/2 apple
Almond flour fishBroccoli
Green beans
There we go. Some healthy food for ya. We went to a movie today during lunch so we skipped lunch (Bad I know) but had larabars to hold us over until dinner.
clean eating,
eat clean,
What I ate - Whole30 day 16
3 eggsbanana
macadamia nuts
sweet potatoes
Lemon pepper chickencauliflower mash
apple sauce
Today I failed the Whole30. I'm human, it sucks, but it happened. I guess I just kind of gave up. We had pizza with friends and spent an evening enjoying cards and company.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 15
It's Saturday and we're halfway through, what a wonderful day! Minus the fact that we're about to spend too much time scrubbing the oven. Thankfully we have a 3 day weekend and hubby doesn't have to fly!
celery with a little bit of sunflower seed butter
green beans
cauliflower mash
2 clementines
3 eggscauliflower
celery with a little bit of sunflower seed butter
Leftover lemon chickengreen beans
cauliflower mash
2 clementines
1/4 lb hamburger
I think I've hit my wall with this blog. I'll do better to update regularly but it may not happen as much as I'd like.
Friday, January 17, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 14
Woke up with a bit of energy today, so I hope it's a good sign for the day. Legs are a little tight from yesterday but not miserable and my back pain is gone today, so lots of positives already today.
cauliflower mash
1/2 serving of apple sauce
macadamia nuts
3 eggscucumber
Leftover lemon chickencauliflower mash
1/2 serving of apple sauce
macadamia nuts
Today has been a good day, woke up feeling good and got going immediately. Laundry finished, 2 large batches of cauliflower mash, and made some homemade ghee. Then I almost burned the kitchen down by running the self cleaning oven feature! Apparently olive oil has a burning temperature that the oven CAN get to while cleaning. I feel like a big dumb idiot but I'm mostly just glad that there wasn't a fire and hopefully I didn't ruin the oven. Turns out, we don't have a fire extinguisher in the house, looks like we'll be purchasing one soon! (Or making the landlord get us one) Now I've shut the doors to the kitchen and opened lots of windows and put some fans on, hoping that the house airs out quickly. Guess I have no choice but to stay out of the kitchen for the rest of the day!
Cashew cookie larabar
Banana bread larabar
I know it wasn't the best snack that I could have had but honestly, I can't go in the kitchen and I had to get out of the house, so it was the best option I could have at the time. Now I'm just waiting for hubby to come home so he can warm up some food for me or we can go out to dinner.
Longhorn salad without cheese or crutons and oil & vinegar dressing
Longhorn salmon without marinade
Sweet potato with cinnamon
Ordered asparagus without the lemon butter but tasted two spears and am fairly sure there was lemon butter still on it so I decided not to eat it, just to be safe.
Today I feel good, stayed up later than I have in a long time and now I'm exhausted, definitely read for bed!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 13
Today was my first day back at the box since mid-December, to say I'm a little rusty is a serious understatement! Warm up was 10-12-15 wall balls, box jumps, and lazy pushups, turns out this momma isn't jumping much these days so I did step-ups, and lazy pushups mean laying on baby girl and she doesn't like it, so I did pushups against the box. Got real warm after that so I sat around for a few minutes, turns out it was really hot for everyone, so we opened some doors and I felt so much better!
Also, my body is still adjusting to the Whole30 so I used a trainer bar for the snatch complex we did and am pretty sure I'm going to be switching to dumbbells soon since this belly is popping out! Made it through the wod alright, slowly, but made it. Thankfully, hubby was my partner so our number wasn't too pathetic. Next week I'll go 2 days and then 3 times the week after that. I figure slowly re-introduce it and continue not to push it. Makes me happy. :)
Pre-Workout Snack
2 hard boiled eggs
handful of cashews
3 eggs
sweet potato hash
macadamia nuts
Afternoon Snack
Crab cakes
cauliflower mash
Also, my body is still adjusting to the Whole30 so I used a trainer bar for the snatch complex we did and am pretty sure I'm going to be switching to dumbbells soon since this belly is popping out! Made it through the wod alright, slowly, but made it. Thankfully, hubby was my partner so our number wasn't too pathetic. Next week I'll go 2 days and then 3 times the week after that. I figure slowly re-introduce it and continue not to push it. Makes me happy. :)
Pre-Workout Snack
2 hard boiled eggs
handful of cashews
3 eggs
sweet potato hash
macadamia nuts
Afternoon Snack
Crab cakes
cauliflower mash
Lemon pepper chicken (made from this recipe)
apple sauce
Feeling lazy today, as you can tell, most of my vegetable choices were easy to prep, not much thought involved. Hoping using the pregnancy pillow and a good night of sleep will make tomorrow better. Excited to have a long weekend with the hubbs this weekend, although he's probably going to fly on Saturday, which means a "normal" weekend for us, but he flew last weekend so it'll be nice for him either way. I'm also waiting for this "boundless energy" to show up that usually arrives between days 12-15, maybe tomorrow?
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 12
Last I was exhausted so I crawled into bed early, like 7:30pm early. It was nice to just lounge in bed. Woke up at 2:30am though, feeling hungry, but was luckily able to fall back asleep relatively quick, but man this is getting annoying!
sweet potato
macadamia nuts
3 eggstomato
sweet potato
macadamia nuts
This is what I call the lazy girl lunch. Apparently I waited too long to eat and felt like I was going to vomit and/or pass out at the same time, it was not fun. So I ate an apple and some nuts then made myself some lunch.
Spinach salad
crab cakes on top (used this recipe without the bell peppers, worchestire sauce, 1/2 the mayo, and added more almond meal)
Smashed crab cakes
1 hard boiled egg
cauliflower mash
Today was a tough day, I wanted to eat everything I couldn't eat, even when I wasn't hungry. Cranky, sore, tired, and pregnant. Tried to eat apples with almond butter, turns out I don't like it, I'd still rather have peanut butter, any day of the week. (I think) Here's to hoping I make it through an entire night without waking up, other than for potty breaks, which are unavoidable.
clean eating,
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 11
Today has been a whirlwind! Spent the day at the thrift store, grocery shopping and cooking, still have a little cooking to finish so hubby has dinner tomorrow.
Cauliflower mash
1/4 lb burger
Spinach salad with tomato, cucumber, and homemade balsamic dressing
Handful of strawberries
Paleo mayo (recipe found here)
Cauliflower mash
Spaghetti squash
1/2 apple (decided not to eat the apple sauce and went for an actual apple instead)
Egg bakeCauliflower mash
Spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce1/4 lb burger
Spinach salad with tomato, cucumber, and homemade balsamic dressing
Handful of strawberries
1/4lb burger on a bed of spinachTomato
Paleo mayo (recipe found here)
Cauliflower mash
Spaghetti squash
1/2 apple (decided not to eat the apple sauce and went for an actual apple instead)
I'm feeling good but a bit tired, otherwise, nothing to report.
Monday, January 13, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 10
So yesterday was the beginning of week 23 for me and with that came a nice 3am wake up call this morning. And about 5 trips to the bathroom throughout the night, it was the worst. Turns out I may need to add more starchy vegetables to my meals, the 3am wakeup calls could be my body telling me that I need more carbs, or it's this stupid baby. Okay, so I totally love this parasite growing in my stomach but she's definitely making life a little some days.
Hard boiled egg
Roma tomato
Sweet potato hash
2 slices of an apple
I'm feeling good. Hubby's schedule this week makes dinner a little weird, I made tomorrow's dinner tonight, and will make Wednesday's dinner tomorrow. It's a little weird but it'll work. Thankfully, I've planned all our meals until day 30 so there isn't much thinking involved.
5am snack
1/2 applebanana
Egg bakeHard boiled egg
Roma tomato
Sweet potato hash
2 slices of an apple
Hard Boiled egg
Spaghetti Squash
Homemade sauce using this recipe
Browned beef
I'm feeling good. Hubby's schedule this week makes dinner a little weird, I made tomorrow's dinner tonight, and will make Wednesday's dinner tomorrow. It's a little weird but it'll work. Thankfully, I've planned all our meals until day 30 so there isn't much thinking involved.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 9
This is the most dedicated to my blog I've been since I started writing it, but then again, I'm really dedicated to this Whole30 so it makes sense. Last night I dreamt about eating brownies with ice cream and eating a TON of other off program things. Maybe it had something to do with all the paleo treats I researched last night or it's just my subconscious trying to get me to cheat. Either way, it didn't happen in real life so I am still on track. Then this morning my sweet adorable Ace (see adorable photo)
decided that I wasn't to be sleeping anymore and spent almost 40 minutes whining at me until I finally gave in. This infuriated me. And now the two of them are curled up together in front of the space heater, happier than anything, SLEEPING, or at least resting quietly.
decided that I wasn't to be sleeping anymore and spent almost 40 minutes whining at me until I finally gave in. This infuriated me. And now the two of them are curled up together in front of the space heater, happier than anything, SLEEPING, or at least resting quietly.
Really guys? REALLY!? At least breakfast was easy, although I think next time I'll add some more veggies to my plate, I just don't think the egg bake has enough.
A serving of the egg bake
1 breakfast sausage
Cauliflower mash
1/2 an apple
Leftover almond chicken
Spinach salad with tomatoes and cucumbers with this balsamic dressing (without the sugar, obviously)
Handful of cashews
Leftover almond chicken
Apple slices
How I'm feeling? Good, tired from all the stuff I did this weekend but other than that, I'm good. Ready to start WODing again on Tuesday, which will make life feel more normal again. I finally got the kitchen organized and cleaned, which makes me REALLY happy and tonight I'm going to bed with a completely clean kitchen, which hasn't happened since we started the Whole30. I'm feeling so accomplished from this weekend it's awesome. Hubby doesn't report until late morning tomorrow, so I get to start my day with him, which I really enjoy but it's going to make for a lonely evening. Guess I'll have time to clean the bathrooms or bedroom. Ick. Hope you're all as motivated as I am still and if not, take it as you can because we can do this!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 8
Oh. Eeemmm. Geeeee! I've been a busy girl today and it's barely 1pm.
1 roma tomato

cauliflower mash
cauliflower, broccoli, & green beans
handful of cashews
Then after lunch I made THIS!
Breakfast - which hubby made for me, score!
3 eggsasparagus
1 roma tomato
This was super delicious and gave me the amount of fuel I needed to get some cooking projects done. So far I've made homemade breakfast pork sausages and pork meatballs. I used this recipe and the only thing I'd change is the amount of thyme I added.

Lunch - which my hubby also made, SCORE!
Leftover almond chickencauliflower mash
cauliflower, broccoli, & green beans
handful of cashews
Then after lunch I made THIS!
And THIS with the fat from the pork shoulder. It's been a good, but busy day. No photo because I don't know what I'm doing with it and it's still cooking, I think... Plus I don't have nearly the amount of fat that the recipe states I should have. It was worth a try either way, I'll let you know tomorrow if it worked.
Dinner - which hubby made AGAIN. It's a GOOD DAY!
Taco salad - so yummy
Currently working on a bowl of strawberries, cantaloupe, and apple slices. It just sounded delicious so I went for it.
Feeling super accomplished today and ready to finish my cooking prep tomorrow, which consists of baking sweet potato chips, hard boiling eggs, making paleo mayo, balsamic dressing, and cooking up my spaghetti squash. Oh and folding 4 loads of laundry, blech. Tonight I'm trying to find as many meal ideas as I can to fill up the rest of my 30 days since I know this motivation won't be here every day.
Friday, January 10, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 7
It's really day 7???!! I can't believe it's already been a week, I mean it's been a long week but I'm feeling good! Although definitely getting sick of going to the store every other day and cooking 3 times a day but it's only 30 days and I can handle it. I'm getting bad at taking photos of my food but if that's the only thing I'm getting bad at, that's okay.
This weekend other than making a bunch of stuff for the upcoming week, I will be searching for some crockpot recipes so I can have some make ahead meals. And flight training has annoyed me this week because we planned to have hubby make all meals on Saturday and Sunday but he has to fly most of the day on Saturday and I just can't ask him to do that now. Homie needs some rest! I am hoping that he'll elect to take down the Christmas lights though, so we can really get everything put away finally.
sweet potato hash
I was bad, I didn't have lunch today, I was so busy today until after 4pm today and we were having dinner at 6:30 so eating lunch then wouldn't have made much sense so I had a banana. It held me over until we had a delicious dinner tonight.
Cauliflower mash
Roasted brussel sprouts
Apple sauce
A few pieces of cantaloupe
This weekend other than making a bunch of stuff for the upcoming week, I will be searching for some crockpot recipes so I can have some make ahead meals. And flight training has annoyed me this week because we planned to have hubby make all meals on Saturday and Sunday but he has to fly most of the day on Saturday and I just can't ask him to do that now. Homie needs some rest! I am hoping that he'll elect to take down the Christmas lights though, so we can really get everything put away finally.
3 eggscarrots
sweet potato hash
I was bad, I didn't have lunch today, I was so busy today until after 4pm today and we were having dinner at 6:30 so eating lunch then wouldn't have made much sense so I had a banana. It held me over until we had a delicious dinner tonight.
Almond coated chickenCauliflower mash
Roasted brussel sprouts
Apple sauce
A few pieces of cantaloupe
Thursday, January 9, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 day 6
Day 6 is here and I feel like I'm coasting, a little worn out from not sleeping well last night and waking up early today, but I'll survive.
cherry tomatoes
cauliflower mash
3 scrambled eggscucumber
cherry tomatoes
cauliflower mash
Lunch (forgot to take a photo)
3 hard boiled eggs
cherry tomatoes
Snack (forgot to take a photo)
1 Aidells sausage
1 roma tomato
homemade pico
Leftover taco salad
How I'm feeling?? Tired and I just want ice cream. I'm not going to have any but honestly, I just want it. Just plain vanilla ice cream with some saunders hot fudge. I'd even settle for hersheys.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 Day 5
Made it through yesterday, it was exhausting but I'm glad I stayed Whole30 compliant. This morning I woke up exhausted again, took the hubby to work and decided to go back to bed so I had a few pieces of cantaloupe and crawled into bed. Woke up 3 hours later and SO refreshed, I'm so thankful I decided to go back to bed because I feel amazing now and ready to really tackle today.
cucumber slices
1 roma tomato
sweet potato hash cooked in coconut oil
3 apple slices
Leftover flank steak
organic baby carrots
cherry tomatoes
taco salad
homemade pico di gallo
roma tomato
homemade guac
cauliflower mash from Nom Nom Paleo - I just switched the grassfed butter for Ghee
This was soo good I think I'll have to make more tomorrow, I don't think it'll last long!
Today I'm feeling great, refreshed and ready to tackle anything. My one complaint in all of this is the amount of dishes I'm constantly doing, it's getting rather annoying. I'm quest for this weekend is to make some homemade breakfast sausage, an egg bake for the week so there isn't as much cooking necessary and making a lot more of the sweet potato chips. I'm hoping that this motivation and excitement continues throughout the rest of the 30 days.
Morning "snack"
5 pieces of cantaloupeBreakfast
3 eggs cooked in coconut oilcucumber slices
1 roma tomato
sweet potato hash cooked in coconut oil
3 apple slices
Leftover flank steak
organic baby carrots
cherry tomatoes
taco salad
homemade pico di gallo
roma tomato
homemade guac
cauliflower mash from Nom Nom Paleo - I just switched the grassfed butter for Ghee
This was soo good I think I'll have to make more tomorrow, I don't think it'll last long!
Today I'm feeling great, refreshed and ready to tackle anything. My one complaint in all of this is the amount of dishes I'm constantly doing, it's getting rather annoying. I'm quest for this weekend is to make some homemade breakfast sausage, an egg bake for the week so there isn't as much cooking necessary and making a lot more of the sweet potato chips. I'm hoping that this motivation and excitement continues throughout the rest of the 30 days.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 Day 4
Welcome to day 4, day of "hate all the things" and "carb flu", thankfully I only have half of these symptoms. Carb flu has hit me straight in the face and I am not a fan but I'm powering through it. I powered through the morning with doctors appointments, a meeting, and 2 grocery store trips, plus a few other chores. After lunch I sat down and couldn't get warm so I had a nice cup of decaf tea and fell asleep sitting up!
3 eggs
1 roma tomato
Sweet potato hash
Green beans
1 handful of cashews
1/2 avocado
1 roma tomato
Sweet potato chips
While I cut up a cantaloupe I had a few snacks of it, too delicious not to.
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 red delicious apple
Balsamic vinegar marinated flank steak
Brussel sprouts, modified from this recipe
Parsnips (I had one and am not a fan, I'll find another way to eat them)
Cherry tomatoes
How I'm feeling? Still kind of crappy, carb flu has not been cool. That is all.
3 eggs
1 roma tomato
Sweet potato hash
Green beans
1 handful of cashews
Lunch (forgot to take a photo - oops!)
2 Aidells sausagesCucumber
1/2 avocado
1 roma tomato
Sweet potato chips
While I cut up a cantaloupe I had a few snacks of it, too delicious not to.
1 hard boiled egg
1/2 red delicious apple
Dinner (forgot to take a photo again!)
Balsamic vinegar marinated flank steak
Brussel sprouts, modified from this recipe
Parsnips (I had one and am not a fan, I'll find another way to eat them)
Cherry tomatoes
How I'm feeling? Still kind of crappy, carb flu has not been cool. That is all.
Monday, January 6, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 Day 3
Welcome to day 3! Slept horribly last night, not sure why but I do feel that it has something to do with being pregnant. Waking up sweating then cold and sweating again, it's a little much. I'm going to try not to take a nap today so I can be on the same schedule as my hubby, to make our Whole30 journey together a little easier. I realized we're running low on vegetables and apparently so was the grocery store! Guess I'll have to make another trip tomorrow and hope for more options. I really cannot wait for the farmers market to open back up in May, I miss having local produce at my fingertips.
1 handful of celery
1 carrot stick
1 small portion of cucumbers
1 small portion of sweet potato "hash browns with cinnamon" cooked in coconut oil
1 handful of cashews
Breakfast 6am-ish
3 eggs over easy cooked in coconut oil1 handful of celery
1 carrot stick
1 small portion of cucumbers
1 small portion of sweet potato "hash browns with cinnamon" cooked in coconut oil
1 handful of cashews
Lunch 10:30am-ish
2 Aidells sausages
1/2 avocado
1 carrot
1 small handful of celery
8 cherry tomatoes
1 small portion of cauliflower
1 small portion of homemade sweet potato chips
7 deliciously rip strawberries
1 small handful of cashews
Snack 2pm-ish
Handful of sweet potato chips
2 hardboiled eggs
Handful of cashews
7 cherry tomatoes
2 clementines
Leftover pork tenderloin
1 whole carrot
1 handful of cashews
1 roma tomato
Sweet potato "hash browns" with cinnamon
Green beans
Apple sauce
*I may have a clementine still but haven't decided. Trying to see if I'm still hungry or not.
Woke up at 5am hungry but didn't get out of bed until almost 6, so I didn't eat until a little after 6am. Oddly, I was hungry again around 9am, so I had a cup of coffee and some water and stuck it out until 10:30am. I put so much food on my plate for lunch I really thought I wouldn't be able to eat it all, but I surprised myself and ate it all, plus some cashews. I am also realizing that I'm being plagued with the day 3 exhaustion, it's awful. Ended up eating a TON today but it was all Whole30 compliant (minus the 2 swigs of OJ I took from the bottle) and I feel pretty good. Definitely looking forward to a good night of sleep tonight and hoping tomorrow I really don't "hate all the things" like they warn, on Whole30. I'm super thankful that I have a few communities to reach out to during this journey. Looking forward to getting past day 10 so I can get back in the box, but other than that, things are great.
clean eating,
Sunday, January 5, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 Day 2
Well I made it through day 1! Ended up needing a late night snack but I think it's okay. I wasn't tired enough to go to bed and I could only drink so much water to staunch the tummy rumbling. Slept fairly well also, just got up to pee 3 times and had some rude pups sharing the bed.
1 large carrot
1 roma tomato
1 small handful of cauliflower
6 stalks of asparagus
1 handful of cashews
4oz of simply orange juice (I know this is frowned upon but eh, it happened and I figure it's the same as having 2 clementines)
1 small bunch of sliced cucumber (used my fancy new slicer attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer, it ROCKS)
2 large carrots
1 small handful of cashews
1 small handful of some homemade sweet potato chips (I modified the recipe found here. not a huge fan of them but I think I'll play with the recipe a bit and try again.)
Today has been productive. I prepped all my sweet potatoes, carrots, and celery, and an entire cucumber as well. Should make the rest of this week much easier to take on. From my previous Whole30 tackle, I found using Sunday to super prep made my week so much easier. I'll probably have to do some more prep later this week as we run out of vegetables but that should be quick. Tonight I'm going to spend some time researching other vegetable options so we don't get stuck in a rut. So far I'm still feeling good, finding that I want to eat as many fruits and vegetables as humanly possible, every time I eat. Ending the day on a very full stomach and extremely happy about it, pretty sure I won't need a snack meal this evening. Ready for some tea and bed, getting out the extra blankets for the frigid temperatures rolling in tonight!!
3 eggs cooked in 1/2 tsp of coconut oil1 large carrot
1 roma tomato
1 small handful of cauliflower
6 stalks of asparagus
1 handful of cashews
4oz of simply orange juice (I know this is frowned upon but eh, it happened and I figure it's the same as having 2 clementines)
2 Aidells sausages, I believe they were both bacon & pineapple but hubby picked them today and I forgot to ask1 small bunch of sliced cucumber (used my fancy new slicer attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer, it ROCKS)
2 large carrots
1 small handful of cashews
1 small handful of some homemade sweet potato chips (I modified the recipe found here. not a huge fan of them but I think I'll play with the recipe a bit and try again.)
Red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and garlic marinated pork tenderloin
1/2 avocado
4 stalks of asparagus
1 small handful of broccoli
1 roma tomato
1 small handful of cucumber
All natural apple sauce
6 delicious strawberries
Today has been productive. I prepped all my sweet potatoes, carrots, and celery, and an entire cucumber as well. Should make the rest of this week much easier to take on. From my previous Whole30 tackle, I found using Sunday to super prep made my week so much easier. I'll probably have to do some more prep later this week as we run out of vegetables but that should be quick. Tonight I'm going to spend some time researching other vegetable options so we don't get stuck in a rut. So far I'm still feeling good, finding that I want to eat as many fruits and vegetables as humanly possible, every time I eat. Ending the day on a very full stomach and extremely happy about it, pretty sure I won't need a snack meal this evening. Ready for some tea and bed, getting out the extra blankets for the frigid temperatures rolling in tonight!!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
What I ate - Whole30 Day 1
Today marks the beginning of our Whole30 journey, while I'm happily 21 weeks & 6 days pregnant. Oooh weeeeee!!!!
1 celery stalk
1 roma tomato
10 +/- cucumber slices
5 pieces of asparagus
1 handful of cashews
6 pieces of asparagus
5 cherry tomatoes
10 +/- cucumber slices
1 cutie clementine
1 handful of cashews
5 pieces of asparagus
1 small handful of cauliflower
1 small handful of cashews
2 small carrots
4 slices of cucumber
2 cutie clementines
How I'm feeling? Pretty good, it's been a really lazy day and I'm really thankful for that. Tomorrow I plan to prep a lot more veggies and inventory everything we have to finish meal planning. I don't usually "plan" meals, I just kind of buy whatever meat sounds good and go from there.
**Update 10:20pm**
Stomach was rumbling as I didn't finish my entire dinner so I warmed up my leftovers, threw a half handful of cashews, and 5 cherry tomatoes in with it and had a snack. Not sure if this was the right decision but we'll see. (Ignore my pregnant leg in the photo)
3 eggs cooked in 1/2 tsp coconut oil1 celery stalk
1 roma tomato
10 +/- cucumber slices
5 pieces of asparagus
1 handful of cashews
2 Aidells sausages, 1 pineapple & bacon, 1 chicken & apple6 pieces of asparagus
5 cherry tomatoes
10 +/- cucumber slices
1 cutie clementine
1 handful of cashews
2 strips of flank steak5 pieces of asparagus
1 small handful of cauliflower
1 small handful of cashews
2 small carrots
4 slices of cucumber
2 cutie clementines
How I'm feeling? Pretty good, it's been a really lazy day and I'm really thankful for that. Tomorrow I plan to prep a lot more veggies and inventory everything we have to finish meal planning. I don't usually "plan" meals, I just kind of buy whatever meat sounds good and go from there.
**Update 10:20pm**
Stomach was rumbling as I didn't finish my entire dinner so I warmed up my leftovers, threw a half handful of cashews, and 5 cherry tomatoes in with it and had a snack. Not sure if this was the right decision but we'll see. (Ignore my pregnant leg in the photo)
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