Breakfast - which hubby made for me, score!
3 eggsasparagus
1 roma tomato
This was super delicious and gave me the amount of fuel I needed to get some cooking projects done. So far I've made homemade breakfast pork sausages and pork meatballs. I used this recipe and the only thing I'd change is the amount of thyme I added.

Lunch - which my hubby also made, SCORE!
Leftover almond chickencauliflower mash
cauliflower, broccoli, & green beans
handful of cashews
Then after lunch I made THIS!
And THIS with the fat from the pork shoulder. It's been a good, but busy day. No photo because I don't know what I'm doing with it and it's still cooking, I think... Plus I don't have nearly the amount of fat that the recipe states I should have. It was worth a try either way, I'll let you know tomorrow if it worked.
Dinner - which hubby made AGAIN. It's a GOOD DAY!
Taco salad - so yummy
Currently working on a bowl of strawberries, cantaloupe, and apple slices. It just sounded delicious so I went for it.
Feeling super accomplished today and ready to finish my cooking prep tomorrow, which consists of baking sweet potato chips, hard boiling eggs, making paleo mayo, balsamic dressing, and cooking up my spaghetti squash. Oh and folding 4 loads of laundry, blech. Tonight I'm trying to find as many meal ideas as I can to fill up the rest of my 30 days since I know this motivation won't be here every day.
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