Thursday, January 10, 2013

Biggest Loser Made Me Do It

So I'm sitting there catching up on Biggest Loser (apparently I missed 2 episodes already, oops!) and I heard one quote that made me want to post something on Facebook regarding it. Then as I was typing about it, there goes another quote that I liked, so now this is my Biggest Loser inspired post.
I feel like this blog is all over the place, all the time, but I guess that is similar to who I am. So there I was catching up on Biggest Loser and by catching up I mean watching the only episode that I have DVR'd thus far. I had heard that a bunch of the big name crossfitters would be on, well, if that's why you're watching, don't. They weren't introduced and rarely shown and it was referred to as functional movements instead of crossfit, just annoying.
Anyyyy whoooo, so I'm really into Biggest Loser when the cast doesn't suck (aka last season) but I have never experienced Jillian. So basically I've only watched it for a season or two. Bob, you're kind of scary, like seriously scary. I was surprised to see you have tattoo sleeves but it made sense, because he's scary. Then I got to see Jillian for the first time and a big WTF came to mind. She was insane, so overly intense and all you could see is her team breaking down and by the time she realized it, I think it was too late. Then when Nathan got kicked off she cried because she didn't have anyone to respond to her awfulness anymore, not because she was going to honestly miss him. Dolvett is extremely competitive and so intense, I like it. He seems like a great motivator and I think he'd make a great life coach.
So the episode that I watch is the infamous "doctor tells you how heavy you are and the many ways it's killing you" episode. While watching this specific sentence really got to me regarding obesity
"If I told you that you were dying from lymphoma, would you take 2 hours out of your day for chemotherapy?"
This quote pretty much blew my mind, which now that I read it again, it makes so much sense. Being overweight is unhealthy and is killing you, me even. I mean honestly! There have been times in my life that I was so overweight that it was probably starting to kill me and I couldn't take 2 hours to walk or do some sort of exercise. And on top of that, take some time out to just plan out my meals for the week so I don't eat like crap on a whim. This seems so simple to me now, it seems crazy that I couldn't find time to workout and plan & cook my own food. How ridiculous.
As of late I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and no more than 6 times a week, but truth be told, it's been a long time since I've done 6 days. And I've recently added in the extra long dog walk/jog, which since Tuesday has produced between 14-15 miles and 3 more days left in this week... All this exercise is good for me, I'm just ready to put a backpack on these kids and cut some miles back and put some better focus on crossfit.
Then there was another part of the show, during Bob's "functional movements" clips, one of the contestants (I can't remember his name for the life of me, which is terrible) had some breathing problems and Bob said this
"I want you to never forget how this feels right here and right now. I don't want you ever to forget this moment. I want you to remember when you're home and under 200 pounds and think about going back to your old life..."
That is so crucial to staying healthy. It's so easy to go back to eating whatever you feel like. If it were easy to be healthy and fit, everyone would be healthy and fit, but that's not how it goes. You need something to keep you driven, something to keep you motivated, something to pick you back up when you've fallen down. Remember how you felt when your fat pants became your skinny pants? Or when you feel so crappy about how you look that you'd rather stay home alone then go out? Yea, those times, that's when you need a moment like this. A moment when you realize that you did not die, you pushed yourself harder than you have in possibly your entire life, and you survived. And tomorrow when you wake up, you'll be stronger than you were today, and huzzzaahhh! you're still alive.
You're still alive. You didn't die. You survived the workout and you know what, you'll survive today's as well. Biggest Loser is crazy for sure, these people workout all day, every day, just about, for like 6 weeks or so. I don't honestly know how many weeks they're at camp. Then they go home and many of them don't work and just focus on getting healthier until the final show. THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE. Very rarely are people afforded the time to workout like that. To be so dedicated to losing weight and getting fit, not working, and only taking care of you. That's insane. In real life we are parents, siblings, partners, husbands, wives, children, aunts, uncles, and friends, which means we aren't given a plethora of free to take care of ourselves. This however just means that you have to make time, which isn't easy, but it's doable. 
So in closing, Jillian did finally have some good input when she said this.. 
"The people that watch the show really get deeply inspired by the things that happen here, they're not inspired by me. They're inspired by the changes you make." 
This is so true. Watch the show, I dare you not to be inspired.

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