Friday, October 28, 2011


I have officially fallen off the diet wagon. It is official. I mean I still sort of follow it but I have had like 984760349854324 sweet things in the past 2 weeks and have no intentions of stopping. Well I do have intentions but I don't think they'll kick in until Monday. Luckily I've been working out every day and because I'm such a horses ass, I'm running a 5k tomorrow as well. 
A few positive points throughout this terrible cycle I've fallen into.. 
-I finished the flower balls! Now I just need to start touching them up because well, they're sorta falling apart. 
-I feel stronger than I have in a long time. 
-I realize that eating the way I have does not fuel me at all, it actually causes me to feel more tired. Yet it still hasn't stopped me. 

So here is the commitment I make to you, my readers, not like I have any faithful readers but if I put it on the interweb it's official, like your relationship isn't official until Facebook knows, right? So here is my commitment. Starting Monday at the latest I'm back on the diet, 100%. No cheating, no nothing. This means that Monday night when all the stupid little trick or treaters come to my house asking for candy, I cannot have a single piece. Not ONE. This also means that all day on Monday while I'm in the office and kids are trick or treating throughout the offices and every office is supplied with candy I also cannot have a single piece. This is going to be a miserable day and if I make it through without cheating I'll be amazed, there is going to be a TON of temptation in my face and I'm only human. Usually I can walk away but the 2 places I will be spending the majority of my day will be surrounded by candy. Not excited. 
I plan on starting with a blitz of the diet, which means Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be pure protein days. I'm hoping I'll drop about 4 pounds during this blitz. Then I will get back into the PP/PV alternating days again. Hopefully by the end of this 6 week boot camp session I will be down below 145, which would be an all time low and isn't too far out of reach, and is actually very attainable. 
So what I need to commit to each and every day and week are the following things...

-Plan out meals weekly
-Make jello cups weekly
-Make egg muffins weekly
-Make oat bran muffins weekly
-Get more sleep!!
-Pack lunch on EVERY PP day
-Keep working out 5 days a week 
-Walk the dogs at least once a week
-No more cheat days or "celebrate" meals (aside from Thanksgiving obviously)
-Schedule your days according to your meals

Well here is to better days, better decisions, and a better lifestyle. With that I will leave this link to my Healthy Lifestyle Pinterest Board. It will be my inspiration again. 

Song to get my amped up... Rihanna - We Found Love

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