So last week we had boot camp Wed, Thur, & Fri. I forgot how awful boot camp was when you have it 3 days in a row. So I'll give you a little run down of each of the days we suffered.
Wednesday - Started off with a ladder run, where the person in the back sprints to the front of the line. Well Mary put an extra twist into it and we passed a 15 pound weight from the front to back, then sprinted to the front with the weight in our hand. Still not the worst run we've done. After that we went into our groups to start our circuit weights. We did arms and happened to make most of our time goals. Most of them. We had I think 5 punishment runs. (I've started calling them this because they're awful.) So we did 2 cycles of weights then 2 cycles of cardio, which was not that much fun because it was plyo type of cardio half of the time. But all in all it was a good day.
Thursday - This was awful. First we only had half of our group so it made the circuits a little more difficult/confusing. Second, we were all lagging badly so we didn't make time goals often. We ended up doing a total of 7 punishment runs before we did our horrible, terrible, very awful 1.5 mile run IN A CEMETERY. Yes you read that correctly. Mind you, we're doing legs today as well so it's a pretty awful day for our legs. Then we trotted over to the cemetery, the pitch black, no lighting because it's barely 6:05am, cemetery. So I'm thinking cool a quick 1.5 mile and we're done... Ha! I thought wrong. This run took well over 20 minutes and involved more hills than anyone should ever try to run. Needless to say, I never want to do this run again but I'm sure we'll do it the next 2 weeks. Yay? So Thursday and I did not end on happy terms that's for sure.
Friday - Final day of the week. I'm pumped. Well I shouldn't be. My knee is starting to feel the pain from this 3 days in a row and I've been struggling with eating enough food. Which is so weird to me because I LOVE to eat. So Friday we did shoulders and back circuits and then lots of fun cardio and today we only had to do 5 punishment runs. Friday wasn't all that bad but anything was better than Thursday.
So currently I've lost 21 pounds since I started my battle with my weight. It's sick. I can't believe that I had 21 pounds to lose and still have 15-20 pounds to go. I will never go back to that weight. I've made a few new recipes but still need to tweak them a bit so I can share them with everyone. (all zero people who read this blog) But last night I was bad. I went out to the bar and drank and also had a bowl of cereal when I got home, but still managed to lose weight so I'm not all that upset. Also, I have my "wall of shorts" that have 3 different pair of shorts hanging up all different sizes. I've been working to fit in the bigger pair and then move down from there. Today I fit into the middle pair!! I skipped the larger pair and can fit into the middle pair which has given me about 4 more pairs of shorts to wear. I am so pumped.
So for now I'm very happy with the way things are going and am going to add in weekly goals for myself.
Goals for next week
1. Go to bed earlier, 10:30 at the latest!
2. Eat more food.
3. Walk on my "off" days
4. Research more Dukan recipes
I don't want to keep the goals boot camp specific, some week's it'll be "make bed every day" or whatever. I just feel like if I write them out, it'll keep me more motivated. Tootles for now.
Thank-you Twitter for helping me find this. As a sport and exercise psychologist I find it so interesting! So keep it up and keep writing! Congrats on the 21 pounds and new shorts to wear! All the best, Pete
ReplyDeleteThanks Pete. I didn't realize people read this, let alone made comments. :)