Friday, February 25, 2011

Setbacks can EAT IT

Well let's start with the good news, as of today I haven't gained any weight since last week. Yaaaay right? No, not so much. 
My goal is to lose 10 pounds in a month, not losing weight in a week does not help me reach that goal. Not only is that not awesome, work has been so busy that it's completely worn me out every night this week, and I'm hurt. Wednesday I started Week 7 and made it through maybe 8 minutes of running until I had to stop because I was in a lot of pain in my left leg. Yesterday while coaching soccer I had to run back to my car and just that short 400 yards hurt to run. I'm a little deflated over it all but realize that my running 7 out of 10 days and walking the dogs 2 of those "off" 3 days, really didn't help me, it actually ended up hurting my progress. 
Tonight I am going to workout on the elliptical hoping that there is less stress on my injured area than when running. I feel like I have to do something. I'll probably take the weekend off and really rest my injury and start back at Week 7 on Monday. Unfortunately this means that week 9 starts the Monday AFTER I run my 5k. That should be interesting. I'm confident that I will be able to finish my 5k, it just won't be in ideal conditions. I am also planning on doing Warrior Dash in May or July, which is 3.2 mile run with about a mile or more worth of crazy obstacles. It's going to be SO hard but I think it'll totally be worth it in the end. 

So new plan for this weekend... 

Friday - 20 minutes Elliptical, Ab Ripper
Saturday - Arms, Back, Shoulders
Sunday - Puppy walk, rest

Hopefully next week I'll be back on track for realz...

Monday - Week 7 Day 1, ab ripper
Tuesday - Coach soccer
Wednesday - Week 7 Day 2, ab ripper, arms, shoulders, back
Thursday - Coach soccer, lower leg workout
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Week 7 Day 3, ab ripper
Sunday - Rest

I hope that this will become my regular schedule until soccer games start on the weekends, I will have to adjust that depending on my schedule. I'm realizing that when I make time, it gets done (unless I'm hurt). Either way, I'm doing more than I have done in the last 6 months to improve my health and get my butt into wedding gown shape. Small steps. Rome wasn't built in a day. Right?

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