Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 1 p90x

So this week we started p90x and let me tell you, it's not as miserable as I thought it would be. Now saying that, I believe that I can push myself harder in the weeks to come. We didn't start until Tuesday because silly me got into a car accident.. See below. My poor girl. I was in a fair bit of pain in my back on Monday and part of Tuesday and Wednesday so my first 2 days I didn't go full force which makes me think that my next 3 weeks will be a lot more challenging. 

The worst part I've found so far is following the complex eating plan. Not that I'm having trouble eating healthy and hitting certain food groups X amounts of times per day. That's not hard at all. For me personally the amount of food I'm "supposed" to eat on a given day is most times too much food for me. I don't think I've finished an entire meal more than once. Most dinners involve soup of some kind, a sauce to dip your meat/fish in and veggies. So you're making soup, making a sauce, making rice, making veggies, and cooking meat at the very least. (that's at least 3 burners and a blender/food processor plus an oven or grill) If you're lucky you have a big enough kitchen to cook all of this at once and enough counter space to have everything you need out whenever you need it.
So we have decided to continue to follow the eating plan this week and then the following weeks use the eating plan as a guide for what we need to eat. I have no problem having an egg white veggie omelet or protein shake for breakfast. Having a protein bar and recovery drink for a morning snack. Or salads for lunch. I really don't mind having chicken and fish be the bulk of my meats for dinner with veggies and a healthy starch. My issue is that I'm spending the bulk of my evening cooking dinner, eating it around 8pm and then going to bed an hour later. It has just gotten to be a defeating process at this point. 
Aside from that one issue I'm very happy I'm doing this. We get up at 5-ish in the morning Tuesday-Friday and workout together before work then on the weekends we'll work out when we roll out of bed, which is amazing. Sundays though, we do need to be at church by 10:30 so there might be an afternoon workout or an alarm set. It's made the week fly by and I feel like I'm starting to feel results, not really see any but feel them. We both lose weight from top to bottom and gain from bottom to top so I'm excited to finally start to see those results. 
Mostly the biggest change we will continue with is our eating plan, we will stop eating like crap whenever we want to and make it an occasion if we ever want to. I know it's only been 4 days and we have 2 more days to do until we have a "finished" week but I'm confident that in 3 months I will be able to say that I have completed p90x and yield great results and continue those results right down the aisle. 

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